Independent Study Tasks

Students and parents should log on to Satchel One to see independent study tasks, please click here.

Independent study away from the classroom is an essential component of the learning journey of our students. Independent study is learning which might traditionally be called Homework alongside other learning activities which happen during the Academy day but outside of lesson time.

The completion of independent study is a daily expectation for all students and progress towards meeting this will be encouraged, supported and monitored by teachers at all levels.

Students in Years 7, 8 and 9 are expected to complete 1 hour per day on average, totalling 5 hours across the week. By completing this, students are able to progress through the deep and broad curriculum to prepare successfully for our Key Stage 4 programme of courses.

Students in Years 10 and 11 are expected to complete 2 hours per day on average, totalling 10 hours across the week. This will enable students to make enhanced progress through our challenging curriculum and achieve examination outcomes that surpass national expectations. This prepares our students for sixth form study, apprenticeships and employment.

Students in Years 12 and 13 are expected to complete 3 hours per day on average, totalling 15 hours across the week. This will enable students to make enhanced progress through our challenging curriculum and achieve examination outcomes that surpass national expectations. This prepares our students for higher education, higher apprenticeships and employment.

Independent study provides opportunities for our students to develop self-reliance, self-management and self-discipline. It gives time to reinforce concepts and skills learnt in lesson time, as well as time to research topics, concepts and ideas more deeply. Independent study is pre-planned and an essential element of each subject curriculum. It is designed to allow students to extend themselves with careful structure and guidance and develop a wider love of learning. 

Academy Life

Open Evening

We are thrilled to invite prospective parents to our Open Evening on 24th September from 6-8pm!

This is a fantastic opportunity to chat with our brilliant students, teachers, and meet our Principal, Ben Williams. Year 5 and 6 pupils can dive into a host of exciting activities spanning a wide range of subjects. Join us for an evening filled with discovery and fun, and see what makes All Saints’ Academy an exceptional place for your child’s education!

Please make sure to book a ticket to our Open Evening here: