Our Vision, Values, Ethos & Mission

The All Saints’ Academy Vision

Where every member of our extended family realises their God-given potential, inspired by John 10:10. Jesus said, “I have come so you may have life in all its fullness.”
- John 10:10

The All Saints’ Academy Christian Purpose

At the heart of All Saints’ Academy is the belief that Christ is at the centre of all we do and are. Rooted in his teaching, we seek to fulfil in every member of our community their full potential so they can ‘have life in all its fullness’ and recognise that they are called to use their gifts and talents for the benefit of all.

We seek to do this by:

  • Providing a safe and secure environment where faith, prayer, compassion and reconciliation are visible in word and action;
  • providing an excellent education with a broad, balanced and creative curriculum which will allow everyone to discover their potential and to develop and share their unique talents;
  • providing opportunities for all to be nourished and challenged both academically and spiritually in their respective beliefs;
  • respecting and valuing the diversity of all, believing that everyone is created as a unique individual in the image of God;
  • building a resilient community able to reach out and support others, both locally and globally;
  • modelling through the Academy’s policies, practices and values a concern to serve the common good, a heart for justice, a desire for reconciliation and the need to protect and sustain the environment.

The All Saints’ Academy Christian Values

The Christian Values of All Saints’ Academy permeate the daily life, curriculum and worship in the Academy. Our Christian values are Respect, Love, Service, Reconciliation, Justice and Peace. We want to see these Christian values grow and develop in the lives of all our students. We start the Academy day every morning by saying our Academy prayer together.

The Five British Values

In a similar way to our Christian Academy values we actively promote and embed the five British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. 

Academy Life

Sixth Form Taster Evening

📅 Wednesday, 22nd January
4:30pm – 6:30pm

Explore your top three subjects in interactive classroom sessions, meet our expert teachers, and hear from Mr Spanjers, Head of Sixth Form, about the unique opportunities and support we offer.

Sign up to secure your place and choose your subjects: https://forms.office.com/e/jiSekrWkwa

Start shaping your Sixth Form journey today!