Climate Change and Sustainability

All Saints’ Academy is proud to be recognised as an Eco Schools Green Flag school as a result of our excellent work in raising the profile of Sustainability and Climate Change related issues. Our Christian ethos informs our principle of stewardship of the environment and we believe that we have a responsibility to inform our students of the changing environment and how this will affect their lives, whilst offering an optimistic vision of what can be done in response to the challenges we face.

We have a passionate and active Eco Committee who have driven through improvements to recycling facilities, reducing single-use plastics, picking up litter in school and around the local area, and developing a garden space including a polytunnel to grow vegetables to be used in school and shared with community groups. They have established a clear eco code which informs our behaviour and activities to reduce energy consumption and maintain a pleasant environment.

All curriculum areas have specified links regarding Climate Change and Sustainability to ensure that students learn about the critical issues in all subject areas, regardless of which options they pick, so that they will be well-prepared for future employment opportunities and live in harmony with the environment around them. As an academy, we are also actively engaged with other organisations such as the University of Bristol for the Secondary Leaders in Climate Education project, and we are regular participants in the Cheltenham Education Partnership Changemakers and Chelt4Change projects, working together with young people from all over Cheltenham for a better future. We are proud to have committed to Cheltenham Zero pledge to become carbon neutral by 2030, and through our partnership with the Church of England, we have developed an energy plan to make this ambition a reality.

Academy Life

Sixth Form Taster Evening

📅 Wednesday, 22nd January
4:30pm – 6:30pm

Explore your top three subjects in interactive classroom sessions, meet our expert teachers, and hear from Mr Spanjers, Head of Sixth Form, about the unique opportunities and support we offer.

Sign up to secure your place and choose your subjects:

Start shaping your Sixth Form journey today!