British Science Week 2022 ran from 14th – 18th March at All Saints’ Academy; it was a real treat for students. They were able to observe live science street demonstrations. It was a great way for students, and indeed staff, to engage and celebrate the practical demonstrations we all remember seeing in school!
The practical demonstrations were all linked to the theme of Science Week 2022, which was ‘Growth’. Its significance was to remind not only the students, but the ASA community, that having come out of a difficult time over the past couple of years, these demonstrations connected to the inner scientist of us all!
For students at ASA, it served as a reminder of the extent and amazing work that the ASA Science Team demonstrate, to inspire and stimulate the young scientific minds within the Academy. It is also largely from the enthusiasm, energy and scientific questions that students bring to lessons that such demonstrations make it even more engaging!
The experiment on Day 1 was the Exothermic Elephant’s Toothpaste reaction, which worked incredibly well. You could clearly see how ‘Growth’ was demonstrated by the hydrogen peroxide decomposing, to produce a rapid oxygenated foam that extended out and beyond the walls of the measuring cylinder. Similarly, the students had the opportunity to carry out a similar reaction using Mentos and Coke Cola. It was a wonderful atmosphere and students had lots of fun.
The following day, Day 2 involved the Heart Dissection, which links to the movement of blood around the circulatory system connecting tissues to cells – promoting ‘Growth’. There were large crowds of eager students questioning different structures and asking interesting questions relating to its features.
Day 3 saw the demonstration of the Ruben’s tube experiment which links science to music covering various genres, decades, which has evolved and grown over the years. This was an amazing opportunity for students to witness music visualised by fire in the form of standing waves. Some super songs of the decade were played on a Sony Walkman like ‘We Will Rock You’ and ‘Come on Eileen’, which led to a lot of fascinated students.
Thursday, Day 4 involved the Thermite Reaction, which is used in industry today to weld railway tracks using iron and aluminium metal. This resulted in the growth of an illuminating spectacle, which was watched by many students. They were then able to participate in producing their own pressurised rockets using antacid tablets and vinegar. It was wonderful to see students participating in science experiments at lunchtime and we really liked their enthusiasm!
Day 5 was the finale between Air versus Methane rockets, to identify which ones would fly the furthest. This was very much student led, where they were given the opportunity to release the rockets. It was a wonderful atmosphere with lots of excitement and must say the students were fantastic for getting involved.
Overall, it has been a brilliant experience for both the students and ASA Science Team to get involved with Science Week 2022. We are looking to continue with the idea of ‘growth’ as we connect to our inner Scientist in the ASA Community!
Photographs by Sixth Form student photographer Mateusz Rutkowski.