FameLab Academy is a competition for Year 9 students in Gloucestershire sponsored by EDF energy. Students have three minutes to explain a scientific topic in a dynamic and engaging way to a panel of judges. They are judged on clarity, content and charisma. The winner from each school receives a Masterclass in communication training, a work placement in a local STEM company and entry into the Gloucestershire finals.
At All Saints’ Academy, all Year 9 students took part within their Science lessons. They had just three lessons to decide on their topic and complete detailed research before presenting their findings to their class.They were not allowed any powerpoint or notes to help them. The class teacher and their peers each chose a class winner to compete in the school final.
Six brave students presented their topic in the main hall to a panel of judges and an audience consisting of family, friends and staff.
They all did incredibly well and Mrs Hencher said 'I am amazed every year by the topics they come up with and their ability to overcome any inhibitions and present a fantastic talk that is not only interesting but informative.'
The winner from All Saints’ Academy this year was Sofiya and runners up were; Precious and Skye. James, Cameron and Logan were also finalists.
Well done to all of the students that took part in this fantastic STEM competition.