Newsletter 30.01.25

Principal’s Welcome

Important Dates


Friday 31st January – CEP Wider Horizons Trip

Monday 3rd February – CEP Civics Society Trip

Tuesday 4th February

  • A Level Film Studies Trip to Harry Potter Studios
  • Year 8 Parents Evening

Wednesday 5th February – CEP Great Debate Trip

Thursday 6th February

  • Year 11 SEND College visit
  • Music Trip to Gloucester Guidhall

Friday 7th February – Year 11 Reward Trip

Monday 10th February – Year 10 Basketball vs High School Leckhampton

Tuesday 11th February

  • Cheltenham Ladies College Law Experience Day
  • Year 10 District Cup Football vs Tewkesbury

Wednesday 12th February – Year 9 & 10 Netball fixture vs Winchcombe

Thursday 13th February

  • Year 12 Apprenticeship Workshop with Deloitte
  • Year 8 Football Fixture

Friday 14th February – Year 12 / 13 STEM subjects Trip to Arcadis in Bristol



This week students and staff came together for their Collective Acts of Worship to observe Holocaust Remembrance Day (27th January), honouring the memory of the six million Jewish victims and millions of others who perished during the Holocaust.

The Acts of Worship included information, prayers and video testimonies from survivors, as well as bible readings and a moment of silent reflection. This year’s theme for Holocaust Remembrance is ‘For a Better Future’ (something we can all play a part in). Students were challenged to think beyond the horrific tragedy of events and reflect on why the events occurred in the first place so that they might never happen again.

This day is an important reminder of the consequences of hatred and intolerance and we all must learn from history to promote kindness and acceptance. As we continue in our Term of PEACE, we encourage all students and staff to continue reflecting on the lessons of the Holocaust and to stand against discrimination in all forms.

God blesses those who work for peace, for they will be called children of God. Matthew 5.9

BROMCOM is coming…

After the February half-term, all of our parent communications will happen through our new provider, Bromcom. This change will make it easier for you to access important information about your child.

Bromcom’s ‘My Child At School’ app will give you a convenient, all-in-one platform to:

  • View/update your child’s information
  • Top-up dinner money
  • Pay for trips
  • Book parents’ evening appointments
  • Receive emails and updates from the school

When we return to the Academy on 24th February Edulink will no longer be active.

Parentmail will no longer be active from 7th March, all payments for lunch and trips etc will then need to be made via the ‘My Child at School’ app.

You will receive an email from Bromcom asking you to sign up for a parent account on 21st February. In the meantime, you may wish to prepare by downloading the ‘My Child at School’ app.


Cheltenham Education Partnership Successes

This fortnight has been a busy one for our Academy and our Cheltenham Education Partnership engagement. Kicking things off was a superb show of poetry talent as the Young Poets team took to the stage at Cheltenham College to share their developing verses.

Next up, our students shone at the Young Designer’s workshop where they worked collaboratively to dress their mannequins and bring their wearable art entries to life. Students have been working with a wide range of students from partnership schools to use sustainable materials and resources from the art-deco scrap workshop to make a costume of their design, reflecting the theme of man vs nature.

Our Changemaker students represented the school’s current eco project in a bid for funding to enhance our allotment and growing areas, as well as to expand our community outreach efforts. The project focuses on growing food to supply our local food bank while encouraging students to become more environmentally conscious and engaged with nature. Our team presented their justification for their bid application to a panel of sustainability promoters, environmental leaders and a former Cheltenham Borough Councillor and we are delighted to share that they were successful!! We look forward to taking our project to the next level to further improve our academy life and are exceptionally proud of the student ambassadors who represented us so confidently.

This is a hugely exciting time for the CEP as we start our journey into becoming an independent charitable organisation and we are exceptionally proud to be a part of the founding trustees.

If any students want to get involved in more CEP and outreach events, please see our Head of Partnerships, Miss H Baynham-Williams to get involved!

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Newsletter 30.01.25

Academy Life
